My Publications

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What every principal needs to know to create equitable and excellent schools

Friends & Colleagues,

George Theoharis and I have edited a new book that will come out this August.  This books offers essential information for schools leaders who are seeking to work at the intersection of instructional leadership and equity.  We support the argument that effective principals are critical in creating more equitable schools and improving student learning for all students. Yet, such an assertion must now be extended beyond abstract platitudes and must instead be grounded in educational, indeed instructional access, processes and outcomes. Leaders with content-embedded knowledge will have the confidence to not turn over or abdicate leadership to others, but to take an active role with their teachers in effective equity-oriented reforms. This book seeks to help address this key intersection between instructional leadership and creating equitable and excellent schools.

We organized the book and structure, but the strength of the book comes from key scholars from content areas (literacy, math, special ed, ESL, etc).  These scholars have written insightful chapters that give school leaders a deeper sense of the specific content area that highlight  best practices, equity issues, and ideas for practice. We are delighted by how accessible and  rich each chapter turned out.  We hope you might be interested.

Attached is the promotional flyer that Teachers College Press created for the book.

Please send this info to others and let us know if you have any questions.

Jeff Brooks

The challenge of leadership

So, I begin the 2012-2013 school year in my first mainly-administraive role. Monday, I accepted an invitation to become the first-ever Associate Director of the ISU School of Education. It's a big task--daunting--as I'm caught between many aspects of who I am, professionally speaking. I have to maintain an active research agenda (PHEW, that's the reason I'm here), I'm supposed to play a role in evaluating my peers while being one of them, I'm supposed to focus on undergraduate education while teaching in a graduate-only program, and I'm supposed to raise the standards of research throughout the school...while doing everything else I was already doing! Sigh...

Stay tuned for adventures in administration, in Iowa research, in national-level service and in some of the original intents of this blog. I'm looking forward to pushing the envelope, to sharing my uncertainty and to documenting our successes and failures as a new school. We have fantastic people, we have great ideas--we just need to make it all happen.

Here we go.